Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ready to check out the Star Wars Action Figure Fan Blog

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hello Again

After a while of doing several tasks which kept me away, I now have the free time to blog again. However, things are going to be a little different. I will be posting periodic reviews of new Hasbro and Krenner products, as well as buys to watch for when out in the store. Also, I will be posting links to a channel on youtube which will include my soon to be developed stop action movies. If anyone wishes to have their ideas put up here, do not hesitate to contact me. I hope you enjoy the new format of the sight. 

May the Force be with You.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kamino ARF Trooper

Today I'm going to review a newly released figure from Hasbro.  Its the Kamino ARF Trooper, and it is one of the coolest figures I have seen in a long time.  This trooper comes with two long range rifles, an holder for them, the figure itself, and on awesome jet powered scooter board.  Its like a Star Wars skateboard! This figure is seen in the Clone Wars Aminated Series on Cartoon Network, however this is the first time this type of trooper has had a "skateboard" with it.  It rocks.  One of the better figures comming out in Hasbro's new lineup. 

Until next time,
May the Force be with you.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sandtrooper Review

The sandtrooper is the Empire's stormtrooper that is depolyed to desert planets.  The action figure is exactly like the real thing.  Both carry a DTL-19 Heavy blaster, as well as a standard E-11 rifle.  The sandtrooper also has a removeable thermal detonator and a removeable communication backpack.  The figure even has the realistic sand stains painted onto it's armor and helmet.

Until next time, May the Force be with You!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

AT-TE Review

Today I'm going to review the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, which is a huge Republic tank. This is a monster vehicle, that fits four figures in the cockpit area, one in the pilot area in the front, and can fit sixteen figures in the back area.  The gun on top also seats one figure. In total, twenty two figures can be stored within this vehicle.  And that isn't even the best part.
This vehicle comes with seven firing missile launchers, one of them being a giant gun on the top that can swivel 360 degrees. 
In the back deployment area, there are several places to store weapons, as well as place your figures.
The legs on this vehicle are able to be adjusted, so it can take different positions.
Finally, this vehicle has different phrases and sounds when you press certain buttons.  Some phrases include, "Move out! Lets go!", and "Fire at will!".  Some sounds include a tracking beeping, and well as a walking sound that the walker makes. 
This vehicle is amazing. It is one of my favorite vehicles for my collection and it is so much fun. This vehicle is priced $99.99, and is available online, as well as some toy stores. It would be a fantastic buy for your Clone Wars Collection.  If you have any questions/comments/pictures/or other ideas for future reviews, comment below, or email me at Until next time, May the Force be with You!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lightsaber Reviews

So, I was reading the comments on my Captain Rex Review, and I saw a post by sithlord18. It mentioned that this person likes, "the good old-fashioned lightsaber", as sithlord18 puts it. So I thought, what lightsabers are a part of my action figure collection? So I decided to take pictures of all of the figures I have that have lightsabers and explain a little bit about why each saber is unique.

First, Anakin Skywalker. Anakin's lightsaber is the standard blue lightsaber; however his lightsaber is unique because its bottom differs from any other type of saber. The bottom of his lightsaber has four different groves in it. Also, it is the only lightsaber to appear in both the original and new trilogies of Star Wars.
Asoka Tano is Anakin's padawan in the Clone Wars. Her lightsaber is green colored, however the bottom of it is actually ball shaped. Also, Asoka holds her lightsaber in a different stance than most other Jedi. She prefers to use a backhanded grip on her saber.
Count Dooku uses a curved hilt Sith Lightsaber. It obviously is red, and if you look closely at my picture, you'll notice that a piece of his handhold extends along the blade for about a quarter inch. That is not commonly used at all, because it offers no additional protection and it can be a hindrance in battle.
Darth Maul used a double blade lightsaber. It is unknown where this design came from, but it is believed that it was used by some of the very first Sith Lords. This lightsaber is very effective, and can hold off two Jedi at the same time. It also has two on/off switches for each side, which means Maul does not have to use the double blade right away. It adds an element of surprise in battle.

Darth Vader's lightsaber is a common lightsaber with the Sith red coloring. It is unique to other Sith Lightsabers because it is a smaller grip. It is more like a Jedi's lightsaber than a Sith's, except for the color.
The Emperor has a very small lightsaber, which is completely circular. It probably was made that way to be easy to conceal in his chancellor robes. Other than the shape of the handhold, it is a pretty normal red lightsaber.
Ki-Adi-Mindu has a normal blue lightsaber, with an interesting handhold. In order to make the saber easier to hold, Mindu added a flap to help maintain his grip in battle.
Kit Fisto uses a standard green lightsaber, which has an interesting design of circular decorations on the handhold. In the Clone Wars, he also uses a blue lightsaber that belonged to his padawan, Nadhar Vebb. The blue lightsaber is a standard Jedi saber, however, it is lined with lines, probably for helping his flippers (Nadhar is a fish Jedi) hold his saber.

These two Jedi have green lightsabers which are kind of the same, except for the color of the handhold. The Jedi on the left has a black handhold, while the one on the right is silver and just like Kit Fisto's.

Mace Windu is the only named Jedi to have a purple lightsaber. The handhold is circular and of a smaller design, but the main thing that makes his saber unique is its purple color.
Obi Wan Kenobi has a saber similar to Asoka Tano's. The bottom is also a globe, however the bottom is flat. Kenobi also has the on/off switch for his lightsaber at the bottom of the handhold, instead of the top, like most Jedi.
Plo Koon has a very thin lightsaber, however that is not the only unique thing about his lightsabers, yes I said sabers. That is because Plo Koon comes with a lightsaber gauntlet, which holds two extra lightsabers that can be attached on to Koon's arm.

Qui-Gon Jinn has one of the more basic lightsabers in my Star Wars collection. The handhold is black, and it only has one major difference. This lightsaber has a built in piece to help Qui-Gon hold the saber, and to aid him in battle. This unique piece is silver, instead of black.

Asajj Ventress is Dooku's Sith apprentice. She uses two curved hilt Sith lightsabers, however, they have a very unique feature. They can be joined together to form a double bladed lightsaber. So, depending on her opponents, Ventress can have one or two lightsabers.

Yoda has the smallest lightsaber of all the Jedi. Its blade is green; however both the handhold and the saber are smaller than any other Jedi lightsaber.

So these are many different characters with lightsabers that are all unique to each different Jedi or Sith. If you have any other action figures with lightsabers that you wish to describe or post pics of, feel free to do so. If you want any other figures reviewed, or have any questions, email me at Thanks Star Wars Action Figure Fans, and May the Force be with You!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Captain Rex Action Figure Review

Today we will be reviewing the 3 3/4 in Captain Rex Mail Away Action Figure.  This clone captain comes complete with  a removable helmet, two twin side blaster pistols and one standard blaster.  Personally, Rex is my favorite character from the Clone Wars, and the action figure is exactly like the animated character.  The mail away figure does not include a DC-15 Rifle, which is included in the normal figure package that is available in stores.
Send me your photos of your Captain Rex figures or any other figures to If you want a certain figure reviewed, or have any cool pics, email me.  Anything related to Star Wars Figures is welcome.


Hello Star Wars Action Figure Fans. 
Welcome to the Star Wars Action Figure Fan Blog, the ultimate source for Star Wars Action Figure pics and information, as well as reviews for the latest products.  If you have any good information or ideas, please email me at Welcome and I hope you enjoy my blog.