Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

AT-TE Review

Today I'm going to review the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, which is a huge Republic tank. This is a monster vehicle, that fits four figures in the cockpit area, one in the pilot area in the front, and can fit sixteen figures in the back area.  The gun on top also seats one figure. In total, twenty two figures can be stored within this vehicle.  And that isn't even the best part.
This vehicle comes with seven firing missile launchers, one of them being a giant gun on the top that can swivel 360 degrees. 
In the back deployment area, there are several places to store weapons, as well as place your figures.
The legs on this vehicle are able to be adjusted, so it can take different positions.
Finally, this vehicle has different phrases and sounds when you press certain buttons.  Some phrases include, "Move out! Lets go!", and "Fire at will!".  Some sounds include a tracking beeping, and well as a walking sound that the walker makes. 
This vehicle is amazing. It is one of my favorite vehicles for my collection and it is so much fun. This vehicle is priced $99.99, and is available online, as well as some toy stores. It would be a fantastic buy for your Clone Wars Collection.  If you have any questions/comments/pictures/or other ideas for future reviews, comment below, or email me at Until next time, May the Force be with You!

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